- Articles,
Papers, and Presentations by BDTI Authors - good collection of DSP
- comp.dsp FAQ - FAQs
(Frequently asked questions with answers) on Digital Signal Processing
- DSP-architecture
directory - EDN's annual DSP directory describes the current chip
- DSP Boards:
A Buyer's Guide - Fortunately, it's not necessary for a designer
to start from scratch when dealing with complex DSP chips, an essential
component for many communication systems- thanks to an array of preconfigured
and customizable DSP boards and related software.
- DSP Buyers
Guide - Helps select the "right" DSP for your design
Directory 2001 - EDN's chip directory publication
- dspGuru - information exachange
to promote resource-sharing among DSP designers.
- DSP Related Mailing Lists
- subscribe to stay abreast of the changing landscape
- FAQs (Frequently asked questions
with answers) on Digital Signal Processing - comp.dsp FAQ in HTML
- General-purpose
µPs for DSP applications: consider the trade-offs - using general-purpose
processors instead of dedicated DSPs for DSP-intensive applications
has some advantages, as well as some pitfalls
- Introduction to DSP
- BORES Signal Processing DSP course
- Poynton's
Digital Signal Processing Resource List - A good resource for FIR
Filter Design Software
- Signal Processing - includes
simplify DSP-application development and debugging - RTOS'es that
may be applicable to embedded DSP designers.
- Signal Processing Information
Base (SPIB) - a cornucopia of DSP related materials
- Stephen M. Springer's Audio
DSP Pages - a great site for everyone.
- The Scientist and Engineer's Guide
to Digital Signal Processing - An HTML version of the book of the
same title. Buy the book
- Texas Instruments
Application Reports - A treasure trove of useful hardware and software
tips for successful TMS320 design.
- The BDTImark
- a manufacturer-neutral methodology for evaluating DSP chips
- Introduction
to Signal Processing - book web page with the example source codes
available on-line
- Numerical Recipes in C book On-Line!
- Real-Time
Versus Equivalent-Time Sampling - sampling in digital storage oscilloscopes
and sin(x)/x interpolation
- Spice
does digital filters - Spice can be used to simulate digital or
discrete time filters.
Example Source code in C
- FFTPACK library - makes
conversion to arbitary length data
- FFTW - C subroutine library for
performing the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) in one or more dimensions
codec source codes
- Source
code for the G.72x codecs
- Source
code for audio codecs in C - ADPCM, G.72x, LPC, GSM, CELP
- Digital Signal
Processing for Ham Radio - FIR filtering, Software Modem, Error
Control Coding (reed salomon) on Pentium
- Public Domain
Software from Numerical Recipes book
- FREE SHARC programming and other resources